
29 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses

Cool, just nothing really visually interesting

The game is nice, and although it's not really addictive to me but I'm sure most people will play it for a while. All the things in the game work great and there's no real flaws that I notice.

Even so, there's almost nothing visually interesting to look at while you're doing this, it's just a long red line moving everywhere with green sqaures falling every 5 seconds. If you could add some thing to actually make the game look more interesting, like a background or some trippy effects, the game will possibly keep my interest for a longer time the end of the 2nd song.


Didn't expect you to resubmit Pico's School. It's still a good game, though.

The story is simplistic, but in a good way.

The style of death, gore and violence is...interesting.

The music is good. But the sound gets a little annoying a little.

Violence! Yay!

The ending is funny. :P

Overall, a classic.

P.S. Is something special gonna happen today? Because people on the BBS say something bout a new layout or something. :\

It defines "amazing."

First, let me say that the 3D-graphics in this game is WAY (and I mean WAY) above ANYTHING I have seen on Newgrounds....ANYTHING.

The style is mysterious, dream-like (or at least it seems like to me) and the strange feel for complete freedom just too mysterious yet amazing for words.

The sound is great, or at least from my view. The smooth nature sounds just take me, and the water is sounds great also, there's even a sound for when you fall into the water!

The violence is...well...violent! The death of the way the bosses die is violent, also.

Interactivity. I can't explain it. It just...woah. The way the things burn when you blow fire on them, the trees, everything that appears in htis is just awe-inspiring.

There isn't much humor in this thing, but the names of those bosses somehow seemed funny.

Overall, I just...LOVE THIS GAME.

popopt responds:

I added the water splash at the LAST minute...and i wasnt sure if i was going to do it. Glad to see it made a difference, it encourages me to work for those extra touches in the future.

Silly rice!

Was that even rice?...

Graphics - Plain and simple, although the ground is looking good. Adding some clouds, and A MUCH better looking start menu place thing would help it.

Style - RICE!

Sound - One word: ADD SOUND.

Violence - Ricey go bye bye... :(

Interactivity - Good physics! Although jumping some of the gaps is too diffucult, and YOU CAN'T FREAKING START OVER AFTER YOU DIE, YOU HAVE TO REFRESH THE PAGE ALL OVER AGAIN!!!.... *clams down* ...

Humor - Rice seems to make me laugh.

Overall - RICE! :D

Not half bad...


Nice translator!


- Translates well.
- For some reaosn it makes me laugh.
- I like the music.
- The look of the translator ain't half bad.

- You can't trans;ate from 1337 to english.
- The music gets annoying after a while.
- This isn't much, maybe a set of translators all in one flash would be a good idea.

Inprove on the thing, and this will be a great game!


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How the hell is this 0.6Kb?!?


- The graphics aren't bad...or good.
- The music isn't bad.
- Small file size = no loading times.


- The fact it's only 0.6Kb might get it blammed. Which brings me to a question...
- How the hell is this 0.6Kb?!?!?!
- The animation wan't very good.

Not a bad game, though.


Have you heard of MouseKeys? If you use those wisely, you can still cheat, but on every level other than the first...


- Creative levels, I like them.
- Good music.
- The mouse trial thing is a nice touch.


- You can still cheat by using Mouse Keys.
- In the first part of the game where you choose if you want music on and off and mouse trail or no mouse trail, it goes in reverse, the on is the off and vice versa.
- Needs more levels.
- Could there be like short mini-games or extra features?


It's easy to cheat on that game.

*right clicks*
*clicks on END*

Too easy....

I like the style, the obstacles were kinda creative, and I liked the music.

Some things you can improve are to make more levels, maybe add more variety of obstacles, and fix the fact you can cheat by right-clicking and then clicking the END button.

Good game anyways.


A few problems, but still good.


- Great idea for a game.
- Controls great!
- Neat music.
- Night vision is a nice touch.


- When you click instructions you can't go back to the menu or start the game, please fix that.
- A little repeatative.
- The people don't look that good.
- It's really easy.

Fix those things, and it would be a really really great game.


FrostedMuffins responds:

Thanks for the review! Some people find it really hard, and others find it easy, I tried to find a medium. Glad you liked it!

There's some funny facts in that thing.

"Wade doesn't know how to reply to emails."



- I like the music.
- Kinda neat idea of a random fact generator.


- Not very good graphics.
- Not many facts.
- Is that it? A simple random fact generator?


Kirk-Cocaine responds:

Yeah that's just a simple random fact generator. The graphics are a bit poor because I suck at drawing! The main point is meant to be the humour though! :)

And yeah it's only got 72 fact currently. Got a funny fact? Email me! :P





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