Edit: I don't even remember why I started this, but in retrospect is seems stupid. CANCELED!@@@
Ignorance, by definition, is "a lack of knowledge, or a willful lack of desire to improve the efficiency, merit, effectiveness or usefulness of one's actions."
Ignorance has spread rampantly, like an infection disease, to the corners of the Internet and in real life (although I the people on the Internet fits into the "real life" category). The effects it has on the mental and physical state haven't exactly been examined closely enough to make ignorance an actual disease, but that may be changed after the World Health Organization reads this essay.
The experiment is to see what effects direct contact with ignorance has on the brain, and on the body itself if discovered to do so. The following will be written in a journal format, telling the results of each day to see if any changes have occurred, and also to see if my typing abilities have also been affected by direct contact with ignorance.
The test subject (dependent variable), as you might expect, is me, and I will have direct contact with ignorance (independent variable), as I have already said. After testing my current intelligence, typing abilities, and other info to see if the effects are actually changing, I will see specialized doctors to tell me about what I'll be doing and what effects might occur.
I will most likely respond to any queries you might have, and if I missed any important info I need to mention, please remind me of so.
The experiment will begin in a few days. Wish me luck.
I look forward to your mind-blowing results.
Good luck, don't die/catch on fire, etc.
I hope I don't.
Also, since it seems that you are the only person so far to take interest in this, and you happen to be more popular. Would you mind promoting this a little? I think the results of this experiment might blow people's fucking minds into the 5th-dimension (if I manage to survive).